About Me

CarliePennington.pngI’ve known since I was a teenager I wanted to be in marketing. The combination of creativity and analytical thinking was right up my alley, even back then.

I’ve been fortunate in my career; I’ve learned a lot and honestly had a blast while doing it.

The Human Side

There are two verbose sections of this site with professional information, but there’s more to a person than a portfolio and resume, right? Here are some tidbits about me outside of my professional endeavors:

  • I make incredible chocolate chip cookies stuffed with Rolos. Yeah, you read that correctly. Rolos.
  • I’ve played the piano for over 20 years. I’m rusty compared to what I used to be, but it’s still one of my favorite ways to spend an hour.
  • I’m a voracious reader. I’ll happily polish off a 400-page novel on a quiet Saturday night.

I’ve even found myself using my professional passions in my personal life. Here are some examples.